ORDINANCE NO. 2023-_04___


Whereas, the City Council of the City of Kiester /has adopted the Minnesota Basic Code of Ordinances as it has been amended and supplemented to be its city code and that code permits the city to adopt by ordinance a schedule of fees and charges for various services, licenses and permits,

Now Therefore, the City Council of the City of Kiester, Minnesota, ordains:

Section I.

All fees and charges in effect as of the date of the adoption of the city code for the city shall remain in effect unless otherwise modified by the provisions of this ordinance. All citations below are to various sections of the city code unless otherwise indicated.

Section II.

The following are the fees and charges for the permits, licenses and services listed below which are referenced to the section of the city code which authorizes their establishment:
2. The fee for making service connections, pursuant to §51.064(D), shall be COST TO OWNER, Plus $150.00.

3. The sewer service rates and charges to users of the wastewater treatment facility pursuant to §51.113 and 51.114 shall be as established by resolution of the City Council from time to time. If there is no pre-existing resolution and the treatment works is primarily flow dependent and the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), suspended solids, and other pollutant concentrations discharged by all users are approximately equal, then user charges are developed on the following volume basis: A users’ charge for Operation and Maintenance per unit of time (CU) equals the total Operation and Maintenance Costs per unit of time (CT), divided by the total volume contribution from all users per unit of time (VT) times the volume contribution from a user per unit of time (VU) which can be expressed in the formula: CU = CT / [VT (VU)]. This volume basis formula can only be used if there are no quantity discounts to large volume users. If the volume contributed is not measured in this city and the water charge is based on a constant cost per unit of consumption, then the sewer user charge can be established based on a percentage of the charge for water usage. Sewer rates and charges may be changed by amendment to this ordinance from time to time pursuant to §51.113(D) and 51.114.

4. The connection fee pursuant to §51.113 and 51.114 shall be COST TO OWNER
a. Plus $150.00.

5. The rental charge for each day for use of a fire hydrant pursuant to §52.08(A)(4) shall be the fee for each 1,000 gallons of water used from a fire hydrant pursuant to §52.08(A)(4) shall be $1 per gallon to be revisited after project.

6. The fee which must be paid before water service may be turned on pursuant to
a. §52.27(D) shall be $100.00.

7. The fee for the disconnection permit pursuant to §52.29 shall be $100.00.

8. The fee for the permit to connect to the existing water service leads pursuant to §52.33(B)(1) shall be $100.00.

9. The connection charge to contribute to the payment of the costs of the Public Water System Facilities pursuant to §52.33(B)(3) shall be $100.00.

10. The fee to be collected before service is recommenced pursuant to §52.33(B)(4) shall be $100.00.

11. The charge to a person who desires to connect to the water system and service a parcel that has not been assessed for the cost of water main and lateral construction pursuant to §52.33(B)(5) shall be the amount that could have been assessed against the persons property at the time the prior assessments were made.

12. The charge for water meters pursuant to §52.35(A)(1) shall be as set by resolution of the City Council from time to time.

13. The charge for testing a water meter pursuant to §52.35(A)(4) shall be $25.00 if it is found that nothing is wrong.

14. The storm water drainage rate pursuant to §53.03(B) shall be $0.00.

15. The monthly charge for water pursuant to §54.01 shall be RES $26.50 COMM $30.90.

16. The monthly charge for sewer services pursuant to §54.01 shall be res $23.50
a. COMM $26.00

17. The charge for reinstating utility service and the turn-on charge pursuant to
a. §54.03(C), shall be $100.00

18. The charge for sewer access pursuant to §51.113(H) shall be $0.00___________

19. The fee for a heavy load permit pursuant to §70.02(E) shall be $100.00

20. The annual permit fee for motorized golf carts or mini trucks pursuant to §73.08 shall be a rate set forth in the City fee schedule as adopted from time to time by the City Council by Resolution.

21. The fee for dog licenses pursuant to §91.02(B)(1) and (2) shall be $50.00 lifetime.

22. The fee for duplicate dog tags pursuant to §91.02(B)(3) shall be a rate set forth in the City fee schedule as adopted from time to time by the City Council by Resolution.

23. The fee for dog licenses for a potentially dangerous dog pursuant to §91.11(D)(1)(b) shall be $500.00.

24. The fee for dog licenses for a dangerous dog pursuant to §91.11(D)(2)(b) shall be $500.00.

25. 24 Annimals at large $ 45.00 per dog if the sheriff is called, an additional $100.00 will be added for a total of $ 145.00
26. 25.. Habitual barking $ 30.00 per complaint to city or sheriff’s office.
a. animals not licensed in the city $ 25.00 per animal per month until licensed.
27. To many animals. $ 25.00 per animal over 3 per month until under 3 in household. Unless with permission from the council.
28. Feeding of stray cats will need be to be enforced with pictures or video of person feeding the strays.

29. The fee for an open burning permit pursuant to §92.64(B) shall be a rate set forth in the City fee schedule as adopted from time to time by the City Council by Resolution.

30. The fee for a franchise fee pursuant to §93.23(B)(4) shall be $500.00 per year.

31. The fee for liquor licenses pursuant to §112.23(B) shall be a rate set forth in the City fee schedule as adopted from time to time by the City Council by Resolution.

32. The fee for a license as a peddler or a transient merchant pursuant to §113.03(D) shall be a rate set forth in the City fee schedule as adopted from time to time by the City Council by Resolution.

33. The fee for an investigation prior to the issuance of a license to operate a sexually oriented business pursuant to §119.09(A) shall be $25,000.00.

34. The fee for a special events permit pursuant to §118.22 shall be a rate set forth in the City fee schedule as adopted from time to time by the City Council by Resolution.

35. The fee for a license to operate a sexually oriented business pursuant to §119.09(B) shall be $15,000.00.

36. Fees sufficient to defray the costs incurred in reviewing, investigating, and administering applications for an amendment to the zoning code pursuant to §151.63 shall be a rate set forth in the City fee schedule as adopted from time to time by the City Council by Resolution.

37. The fee for costs incurred in reviewing, investigating and administering applications for a preliminary or final plat pursuant to §152.13 shall be a rate set forth in the City fee schedule as adopted from time to time by the City Council by Resolution.

38. The fee for park dedication pursuant to §152.105(J) for R-1 Residential Districts shall be $500.00.

39. The fee for park dedication pursuant to §152.105(J) for R-2 Residential Districts shall be $500.00.

40. The fee for park dedication pursuant to § 152.105(J) for C-1 Business Commercial Districts shall be $500.00.

41. The fee for park dedication pursuant to § 152.105(J) for C-2 Business Commercial
a. Districts shall be $500.00.

42. The fee for park dedication pursuant to §152.105(J) for Industrial Districts shall be
a. $500.00.

43. The fee for park dedication pursuant to §152.105(J) for Rural Residential and Agriculture shall be $500.00.


This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage and publication.



_______________________________ ________________________
Doug Trytten Doris Troll
Mayor City Clerk
