Monday, May 8, 2023

The Kiester City council held a regular meeting on Monday, May 8, 2023, at the Kiester Community Center.

Mayor Doug Trytten called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Council Members Present: Hope Bauman, Jason Kluender Absent. Larry Dahleen, Brandon Hagenson City Maintenance: Gary Skartland; City Clerk: Doris Troll; Members from the public: Vickie Savick, Karen Busch, Katina Thrond, Jerry Alphs, Michele Alphs, Nicole Rosberg, Tammy Aadsen, Jacob Trytten, Bruce Thisted, Carol Rinehart, Diana Adams.

Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda by Jason Kluender, seconded by Hope Bauman Vote, 3-0. Motion Carried

Council minutes: Motion to accept the April 24, 2023, with corrections Hope Bauman seconded by Jason Kluender vote 3-0, motion carried.

Claims: Motion by Hope Bauman seconded by Jason Kluender approving claims totaling $ 15,828.12 Vote of 3-0 motion carried.

Financials: Motion by Hope Bauman, seconded by Jason Kluender, approving financials as presented. Vote 3-0, motion carried.

Past Due Water Billing: Motion to shut off on a 5-26-2023 if not paid by Jason Kluender, Seconded by Hope Bauman Vote 3-0, motion carried.

Ambulance: none

Fire Department: Jerry Alphs was present to request the hiring of 2 new firefighters Evan Anderson and Johathan Folven, motion to hire both by Jason Kluender seconded Hope Bauman, Vote 3-0, motion carried. Doug then asked Jerry if we had contacted them by the Kiester days committee to use a fire truck to have the grand Marshalls of 1973 track team ride it. Jerry said they will need a head count to know what truck they would fit in,

Library: Karen reported that March numbers were 109 and April numbers were 88. The Easter hams were donated by Kee Kafe and Bummy’s BBQ. The winners were Judy Johnson and Linda Hovland,
Judy Johnson and Sonia Scherb won the guess how many jelly beans? They both had guessed the same number. There was a find of the chocolate bunny that was hidden, and there were various winners of them. The Material girls and Larry Dahleen had donated a quilt that was won by Sonia Scherb. Brush Creek has donated 2 plants for our mother’s drawing that will be held on 5-11-2023. We have used the donations from the chili feed last fall for purchasing 6 to 8 book sets for the kids. We are still working on the details for the book signing where we are going to set up.

Liquor Store: Carol reported everything is going well. Carol and tina learned a lot at the liquor conference. They came back with ideas for promotions and items to use for those promotions.

EDA: Al has placed the ads in the paper for the creamery lot bids.

Public Comment: Tammy Aadsen has requested the use of the picnic tables for the Garden clubs plant sale on 5-12-2023. They would also like to have Gary bring them to the KTTC to where the plant sale is going to be. Motion to let the gardeners use the tables by Jason Kluender, seconded by Hope Bauman, vote 3-0, motion carried. Gary had asked when would they would the planters placed on Main Street? Tammy Said Monday 5-15-2023 would be fine.

Tammy was also present for the Kiester Days committee,. they would like Center street blocked off from Main street to 6 th to Center the Car they have planned for 6-23-2023 from 5 to 7 pm. Motion by Jason Kluender seconded by Hope Bauman. Vote 3-0, motion carried.
Tammy also informed the council that the Active living group was planning on a health walk on Saturday morning. Tammy was asked if they had the parade route set? They informed the council that it was from Front Street up to 6th street to North Street down Main Street, to Center Street the to 5th back to the front street. Motion to have the parade route marked off by Hope Bauman seconded by Jason Kluender. Vote 3-0, motion carried. They informed Tammy that if any other business or organizations needs something blocked off, they should come to a council meeting.

Animal control /Mayor Update: Doug would like to form a volunteer board to deal with the feral cats in town. He would like to appoint Bruce Thisted to head up this group. Motion to appoint Bruce as the Director by Hope Bauman, seconded by Jason Kluender. Vote 3-0. Motion Carried. Bruce is looking for volunteers to help him with this. He is also looking for Gary to help with finding a place to house them. Doug and Bruce will work out the details.
The animal control is the Mayors report a motion to approve the report by Jason Kluender, seconded by Hope Bauman. Vote 3-0, motion carried.

Maintenance Report: Gary will flush hydrants on the 15th and 16th. Sentence to serve will come to paint the curbs and the crosswalks on main street., Provided there is no rain. We started mowing for the season, finishing up on the discharge of the ponds. Hope asked if we wanted the lawn service to treat the pea rock at the park for weeds. Gary told her to that would be fine. Hope said she would contact them.

Clerk Update: The Covid monies that we have received need to be assigned to a project. The money was from the Federal government requiring an account where that money was used. The second reading of the ordinance 2023-03 was done, Motion to accept the new ordinances by Hope Bauman, seconded by Jason Kluender Vote 3-0. Motion carried.
Motion to accept the clerk’s report by Jason Kluender, seconded by Hope Bauman. Vote 3-0. Motion Carried.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Jason Kluender seconded by Hope Bauman, Vote 4-0, motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted by
Doris M Troll
City Clerk/ Treasurer