Monday, April 10, 2023

The Kiester City council held a regular meeting on Monday, April 10, 2023, at the Kiester Community Center.

Vice Mayor Hope Bauman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Council Members Present: Larry Dahleen, Brandon Hagenson, Jason Kluender Absent.: Doug Trytten City Maintenance: Gary Skartland; City Clerk: Doris Troll; Members from the public: Martin Korn, Jach Korn, Judy Goggin, Vickie Savick, Carol Rinehart, Katina, Thrond, Richard Goggin, Diana Adams, Nicole Rosberg, Randy Kofstad, Karen Busch.

Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda by Jason Kluender, seconded by Larry Dahleen. Vote, 4-0. Motion Carried

Council minutes: Motion to accept the March 13th, 2023, and the March 27, 2023, minutes with corrections Brandon Hagenson seconded by Jason Kluender vote 4-0, motion carried.

Claims: Motion by Brandon Hagenson seconded by Hope Bauman approving claims totaling $ 124,437.03 Vote of 4-0 motion carried.

Financials: Motion by Larry Dahleen, seconded by Brandon Hagenson, approving financials as presented. Vote 4-0, motion carried.

Past Due Water Billing: Motion to shut off on a 4-26-2023 if not paid by Jason Kluender, Seconded by Brandon Hagenson Vote 4-0, motion carried.

Ambulance: none

Fire Department: none

Library: none

Liquor Store: Everything is going well. We had a wine sale that went well.

EDA: There was an email from David Frundt the city attorney that was read by Karen Busch. This was to the sale of the creamery lot. David felt that because of the ads not reading clearly to the bidders, all bids should be rejected, and the ad rewritten and rerun. As this new add will show proper ownership of the land, A resident asked who owned the lots they were told the city owns the lot. Al will continue to work with David on this case Then in the future, the EDA will be responsible for their own ads.

Public Comment: none

Maintenance Report: I have burned the tree pile down. I am filling potholes. I am on the 2nd discharge of the ponds. The 3rd pump is ready for Morrison to come and pull the well and to cap it off. Bevcomm has started the laying of the fiberoptic cable lines in town. So Gary has been busy with marking yards for them. The street sweeper is ready to go for the season.

Clerk Update: The bids for the pickup and the garage door from city hall have been opened. We only had one bid for the pickup for $513.51. A motion to accept the bid by Brandon Hagenson seconded by Jason Kluender, Vote 4-0, motion carried The council awarded the bid to Martin Korn.
The bid for the garage door. There was only one bid for $ 178.00. A motion to accept the bid by Brandon Hagenson seconded by Larry Dahleen. Vote 4-0,motion carried the council awarded the bid to Martin & Zach Korn.

There is a resolution for the council to roll over Ambulance CD 6163 that the ambulance cd renews on 4-19-2023 so there would be no penalty for rolling into a new Cd at the bank with a higher interest rate. Motion to approve resolution 2203-03 to roll over cd 6163 by Jason Kluender seconded by Larry Dahleen vote 3-0, motion carried with Hope Bauman abstaining.
The clerk informed the council that the ordinances that we have were sent to the city attorney because of the audit. The attorney came back to us with all the ordinances being reworded with the fee schedule to be done by resolution from time to time. Therefore, the clerk would like to add animal components to the ordinances as well. These ordinances with fees would be 1. animals at large $45.00 per dog if the sheriff is called, an additional $100.00 will be added to the fine. For $145.00.
2. Habitual barking $30.00 per complaint to the city or sheriff’s office.
3. animals not licensed in the city $25.00 per animal per month until licensed.
4. to many animals. $25.00 per animal over 3 per month until under 3 in the household. Unless with permission from the council.
4. feeding of stray cats will need be to be enforced with pictures or video of person feeding the strays.

Motion by Larry Dahleen seconded by hope Bauman to add to ordinances and fee schedule. Vote 4-0, motion carried. The clerk was told to find information on how other cities that have golf carts and ATVs for how they handle them.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Jason Kluender seconded by Brandon Hagenson, Vote 4-0, motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted by
Doris M Troll
City Clerk/ Treasurer