Monday, March 27,2023

The Kiester City council held a regular meeting on Monday, March 27, 2023, at the Kiester Community Center.

Mayor Doug Trytten called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Council Members Present: Hope Bauman, Larry Dahleen, Jason Kluender, Brandon Hagenson, Jason Kluender was absent.
City Staff: City Clerk: Doris Troll Maintenance Gary Skartland Public: Karen Busch, Vickie Savick, Marcia Dahleen, Jacob Trytten, Katine Thrond, Carol Reinhart, Judy Goggin, Rich Goggin, Crystal Hollman, Al Bauman, Dawn Flaskerud, Kristy Flaskerud

Agenda: Motion to accept agenda. Hope Bauman, seconded by Larry Dahleen, 4-0 motion carried.

Claims: Motion by Brandon Hagenson, seconded by Hope Bauman, approving claims totaling
$55,964.27 Vote of 4-0 motion carried.

Ambulance: The ambulance would like to move the cd they have to a higher rate. The clerk will look into how long they were going to give a higher rate. They also asked if could move more monies into a CD Doris advised to wait until the end of the year to see where they sit as budget goes. Motion by Brandon Hagenson seconded by Larry Dahleen, vote 4-0, motion carried.
Fire Department: none

Library: Jan attendance was 72, February attendance was 73. Winter reading program will end and drawing for the quilt that Quilters Cottage has donated. Ham Drawings on April 4th. We have two hams to give away. April 4, the Jellybean contest will end. There is also a chocolate Easter bunny hunt within the library that we are doing. There have been five winners so far. We also have a kid’s drawing for books, that will be drawn at the end of April. Upcoming we have a Mother’s Day drawing that we give away a plant or gift certificate that Linda Gullikson said she would donate. Starting talks about the summer reading program. Motion to accept report by Hope Bauman, seconded by Larry Dahleen. Vote 4-0, motion carried.

Liquor Store: We have received the resignation from Jinger Woodring. Carol would permission to rehire Vickie Savick. Motion to rehire Vickie Savick by Larry Dahleen, seconded by Hope Bauman, 4-0, vote 4-0, motion carried. Everything is going well, gearing up for the summer hours at the end of May, there will be wine sale before Easter. Motion to accept report by Brandon Hagenson seconded by Larry Dahleen vote 4-0, motion carried.

EDA: There are 3 bids for the creamery lot. That will be opened tomorrow night. There is a minimum bid of $2000.00 and they have to build a commercial building within the next year.
Motion by Brandon Hagenson seconded by Hope Baumann, vote 4-0, motion carried.

Faribault County Human Society: They were wondering if the city had a plan for the feral cats in town.
Home. She posted on Facebook that her male was missing when we went. She then calls us about the babies that a mom was giving birth to in her house. We ask where the male is she said she kicked him out, so he didn’t eat the babies. Unfortunately, her male is not neutered. We are wondering what they can do to help with the feral cat problem in Kiester.

Public Comment: Was wondering when the road project was going to start. We were told originally this spring, and they were going to be starting on Front Street. That is what Gary has held as well. How long was this going to take to complete? They were told that the meters should be up and running in 2025. They were reminded that no tax dollars are being used for this it all in the water and sewer fund. And we have used the increase for the upfront costs we have.

Maintenance report: Benco had been called to cut power to the well. Morris Pump was here to remove the well. I had taken the roof off, however when they tried to line their boom truck it was going to align correctly, so they to have the building taken down. I took all the siding off. Andy Biddle will come to drop the building. The 1st round of discharging has been done. Getting ready to start street sweeping. Motion by Brandon Hagenson seconded by Hope Bauman. Vote 4-0, Motion carried.

Clerk Update: I will be gone Thursday and Friday and limited hours the week of April 2 to April 8,2023.
I will post my hours on Facebook on the city page as well on the door. Motion to accept report by Brandon Hagenson seconded by Larry Dahleen. Vote 4-0, Motion Carried.

Hope then asked if the four that were sent to EMT class had been billed for the classes as they did not complete.
She was told yes. One has made some payments, one will start. One will not. She asked about the fourth. I informed her she dropped it before the cutoff date per our agreement with them. She feels they need to be billed, as there were charges, we had paid.

Motion to adjourn made by Jason Kluender seconded by Brandon Hagenson Brandon Hagenson seconed by Hope Bauman. Vote 4-0, motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted by
Doris M Troll
City Clerk/ Treasurer