Monday, October 24 ,2022

The Kiester City council held a regular meeting on Monday, October 24, 2022, at the Kiester Community Center.

Mayor Rich Goggin called the meeting to order to order at 7:00 pm. Council Members Present: , Hope Bauman. Jason Kluender, Brandon Hagenson, Larry Dahleen City Staff: City Clerk: Doris Troll; Public: Marcia Dahleen ,

Agenda: Motion to accept agenda, by Hope Bauman seconded by Larry Dahleen ,vote 5-0 motion carried.

Claims: Motion by Brandon Hagenson, seconded by Hope Bauman approving claims totaling $ 55, 468.26 Vote of 4-0 motion carried.

Public Comment: None

Budget: the council went over the library, fire and ambulance budget.

Water Billing: The council feels that raising the water and sewer rates slowly it will be eaiser for the public to budget for it once the infrastructure project is complete. The motion was made to raise the water and sewer rates by $ 5.00 for a total of $ 10.00 on each bill by Brandon Hagenson, seconded by Rich Goggin, Vote 5-0 motion carried these rates will take effect for the January 2023 billing.

City Hall Furnace: the council was presented a a bid from Brownies. After a discussion the council feels that they would like to get another bid for the furnace and the electrical as there are still fuses used in the building.

Ordinance violations: there was a sample letter of the ordinance violations, the council was asked to review.

Employee reviews: Hope and rich have gone over the form and would like the council to give their input.

Clerk: the clerk will be out of the office on Tuesday 10-25-2022. Gary will be dropping the new pickup at Crysteel on Wednesday, still working with budget and looking ahead for year and items. Looking to misc. items for information.

Mayor Update: Elections is in two weeks.

Motion to adjourn made by Brandon Hagenson seconded by Rich Goggin Vote 5-0, motion

Respectfully Submitted by
Doris M Troll
City Clerk/ Treasurer