Monday, June 13, 2022

The Kiester City council held a regular meeting on Monday, June 13, 2022, at the Kiester Community Center.

Acting Mayor Hope Bauman called the meeting to order to order at 7:00 pm. Council Members Present: Larry Dahleen, Hope Bauman. Jason Kluender, Absent were Rich Goggin, Brandon Hagenson, City Maintenance: Gary Skartland; City Clerk: Doris Troll; Members from the public: Marcia Dahleen, Shane Steinke, Karen Busch, Al Bauman, Dawn Flaskerud, Tabby Kuiper.

Agenda: Motion to accept agenda, by Jason Kluender seconded by Larry Dahleen, vote 3-0 motion carried.

Council minutes: Motion to accept the May, 9 regular meeting minutes with corrections by Larry Dahleen seconded by Hope Bauman, vote 3-0 motion carried.

Claims: Motion by Larry Dahleen seconded by Jason Kluender approving claims totaling $77540.250 Vote of 3-0 motion carried.

Financials: Motion by Larry Dahlen, seconded by Jason Kluender approving financials as presented. Vote 3-0, motion carried.

Past Due Water Billing: Motion to shut off on 6-24-2022 if not paid by Jason Kluender, Seconded by Larry Dahleen. Vote 3-0, motion carried.

Building Permits. Motion to approve building permits, M Hamson, B Haroldson, B Hall, by Jason Kluender Seconded Larry Dahleen, Vote 3-0, motion carried.

Kiester Days: Shane From Berma’s was present to request that the city block the street of on Friday 6-24-2022 so that they may hold a street dance. They also requested the use of the picnic tables from the park that night. They also had a request to shut main street down from the corner by Duane’s to the County Road 2 so that they may have a bag tournament. Motion by Jason Kluender, seconded by Larry Dahleen to let them have the road blocked off. And for the use of the picnic tables. Vote 3-0, Motion carried.

Doris Troll has asked on behalf of the Kiester Legion to Block off the road on a 5th street on Saturday 6-25-2022 for their street dance with the use of the park picnic tables. Motion by Jason Kluender seconded by Larry Dahleen. Vote 3-0.

Ambulance: We have Four people signed up to take an EMT class.

Fire Department: No report

Library: Aprils numbers were a total 84 adults 3 kids Mays umbers were 75 adults 9 kids.
Dawn expressed an issue with the cost of the LP. The clerk had looked into it and the numbers that were there were correct.

Dawn also requested to add 2 more library board members, Jean Hagenson and Lorie Korn, to both 3-year terms

Motion by Larry Dahleen Seconded by Jason Kluender to approve. Vote 3-0, motion carried.

Liquor Store: There was a discussion as to getting a cigarette license. After a discussion, was tabled until next month with having more information as to how the cost would work, and inventory issues.

EDA: Al Bauman reported that Michelle Biddle has moved into the front Office at city hall. Gary and Al Bauman did the painting and hanging of a door and moving the air vents.

The Historical Society of Kiester, Voted in April to move out of the KTTC building because of the environment and the items that they are trying to preserve. They have had a look at the Garage at city Hall and presented the EDA group a list of items that they would like to have done so they could move in.

The EDA group meet on May 24th and looked at the garage at City Hall and looking at the list of items they wanted.
The Eda will get bids for everything that they want.

Public Comment: One resident asked if the Farmers Market has for the use of the city parking lot. They were told no they have not. Dawn Flaskerud then, on behalf of the vendor, requested to use the Parking lot.
Motion by Larry Dahleen seconded by Jason Kluender. Vote 3-0 motion carried.
She then asked about the fee schedule on the ordinances and was told we would present them in July.

One resident asked if the city could do anything about getting her neighbors’ back yard mowed that has at least four feet high of grass that she has seen rodents in as well.

Maintenance Report: the hydrants have all been flushed. Rural water will come down to work on an issue with Gary. Al then brought up the deli meat cooler at the Market, and that there was a customer complaining that they were going to have a lawsuit filed with the city for the cheese being warm in the cooler.
Al helped the market staff then to unload the cooler, and the clerk had told him that this has been happening a lot. The council had said they told the market not to call a fountain on it anymore as we would not put any more money into the cooler because of the age of the unit.

Clerk Update: The clerk presented the contract for CFS of LP for the next heating season at $2.049. The clerk will sign the agreement and send it back as we don’t have any other options for LP because of the tank being underground. The clerk then presented the program that Albert Lea has for homeowners’ utility line protection. I asked the clerk to o gather more information look into for the next meeting. The Clerk also noted that the dog bite that occurred in May has had a letter from our attorney as to regard to the incident. And that she has informed the attorney to send a letter about the dog being declared dangerous due to lack of communication with the City. Also noted that the victim of the dog bite has not been to any council meeting to request from the council. They have asked the clerk when the meetings were held. The clerk will also be out of the office from June 21 to June 26 for a conference in Duluth.

Motion to adjourn made by Jason Kluender seconded by Larry Dahlen Vote 3-0, motion carried Acting Mayor Bauman adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully Submitted by
Doris M Troll
City Clerk/ Treasurer